CAZEOConnecticut Association of Zoning Enforcement Officials |
General Information CAZEO announces class through the website. We utilize the website's events announcements for the purpose of general interest. You must do the following in order to be able to sign up for any classes: 1. Most important is to become a paid member. Our system only allows paid members to sign up for class registration AND it is a requirement for class attendance. 2. If you do not maintain your membership you will not receive e-blasts concerning class announcements, meeting announcements, etc- this is a member only service. 3. All information regarding the minimum requirements for AZT and CZEO certifications can be found here: EnrollmentCertificationProceduresAZT 03032022.pdf. CZEO certification requirements can be found here EnrollmentCertificationProcedures czeo 03032022.pdf: Generally the requirements are as follows:
4. CZEO's must maintain yearly membership and acquire necessary Continuing Education Credits. This does not apply to AZT's. About the CAZEO Institute CAZEO runs one full certification round of the Institute generally every year. This consists of Session 1 providing an overview of Zoning Basics and Job related information in the Spring and Session 2 which is more technical and focuses on the legal aspects of zoning in the Fall. A sample agenda for the two week sessions is shown below. (Please note these classes and instructors are subject to change by the Executive Committee when deemed appropriate and should not be considered the class agenda for your specific class when you sign up) Each session is a week long Monday-Friday and consists of four full days 8:30-4:30 and a test being proctored on Friday from 10:00-12:00. INSTITUTE SESSION 1 SAMPLE: Monday: Local Government, Zoning Enabling Statutes, Ordinances Tuesday: AM Session: Dealing with Difficult People PM Session: Freedom of Information Wednesday: AM Session: Surveys PM Session: Map Reading & Site Plan Review Thursday: AM Session: Flood and Coastal Permitting PM Session: Ethics Friday: TEST INSTITUTE SESSION 2 SAMPLE: Monday: Seminar On Legal Remedies In Zoning Enforcement Tuesday: Select Issues in Zoning Enforcement Wednesday: Legal Remedies in Zoning Enforcement Continued Thursday: Zoning Technicalities Friday: Test |